Strategy is the way we achieve your goals in combat against the competition.
Similarly, a story is the way in which the hero reaches a happy ending in combat against the villain.
This is why stories are the best way to explain strategies and the first step towards successful strategy implementation.

Storytelling – Strategie and Storytelling

Humans are born storytellers. This is not merely a cliché, but a fact proven by brain research. To help the brain filter out unwanted information, it employs a ‘doorman’ known as the amygdala – a name derived from the Latin word for almond. The amygdala has the challenging job of protecting us from data overload. Because humans have been swapping ‘best practices’ in the form of stories since as far back as the Stone Age, the amygdala is highly trained and ruthless at booting out anything that doesn’t make the cut. Fact-heavy lectures and dull PowerPoint graphics are treated as uninvited and unwanted guests.

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